Monday, May 7, 2012

Stepping Stones to a Joyful Life

My time in Asheville is coming to a close this week. My internship ended leaving me feeling proud of myself for all that I've accomplished: academically, professionally, and personally. Soon enough I'll have my bachelor's degree, and my MT-BC. I am so excited to be looking for an MT job soon. I know that the mountains of NC will be a perfect place for that search to begin. Last week, the week after my internship ended, I engaged in a gentle Ayurvedic cleanse. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian form of medicine and healing. My cleanse consisted of eating a whole foods, organic, and vegetarian diet that supports healthy digestion, daily yoga and meditation, other cleansing and detoxifying treatments, and refraining from screen time except for occasional cell phone use. I found myself with plenty of free time and a nice feeling body. In my free time I hiked or walked around the neighborhood, played music I enjoyed on my instruments, and journaled constantly. I also held a May day celebration and a ceremony for all the hospice patients I worked with. I know I'll never see them again. This makes me sad, but also joyful that I had the privilege to get to know them through music therapy. Today, a day after my clease, I find I have a lot to catch up on online, but other than that, I am adjusting well back to my regular (and still healthy) lifestyle. What I gained? An affirmation of my place in the world of a creative healer through music therapy and yoga instruction, a clearer toxin-free body and mind, and a kick start to a daily meditation practice I plan to follow. I shall deeply miss Asheville: all its quirks and opportunities. All of the art, music, dance, yoga, healing, local foods, hiking spots, interesting people, poetry, and spiritual energy. I will miss my supervisors, other interns, patients, roommates, and friends. I know my wings have already been spreading for a long time, but now they spread even more. Time to take some flying swoops. Flying is manifesting itself in my yoga practice. Just as I am becoming independent from my parents and school, I am also working with headstand, or salamba sirsasana, and getting away from the support of the wall. It takes courage and strength. I have felt lately, increasing ability to do this. Someday I know, suddenly, my legs will lift unsupported. And that is just the beginning of the exploration!

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